Friday, October 8, 2010

Thanks a lot, Zac!

This post could also be called "Wedding Inspiration in the Strangest Places."

When I was sitting on the couch after work just the other dad, My mom walks in and told she she went to Target to pick up a couple new CDs. After I responded with, "What's a CD?", she apparently set them on the counter (so she'd remember to add them to her iTunes) and that was that. She also may have told me which ones she bought, but I, clearly being the attentive daughter, didn't really pay attention because I was busy (probably reading Weddingbee, of course).

Fast forward to the next morning, when I'm making my lunch and heading out the door for work. What stops me in my tracks? Well, the CD sitting on the counter!

You see, I've never heard of or heard the Zac Brown Band (I believe they're country though, according to Mama Giraffe), but their newest CD cover blew me away.

Oh man, the lettering, the elegant type, ooooh the swashes! It just makes me sooo happy!

I immediately thought of our never ending saga about save the dates. (And by never ending saga, I mean the fact that they need to be sent out next month and haven't even started to design them because I can't decide what I what.)

The CD cover immediately reminded me of a certain STD I saw at Mr. G had even liked this one too . . . well, kind of. He liked the type, but didn't like the photo because he thought it looked too much like an album cover, and not a photo you'd send your relatives. Still, it's just lovely!
Large, in your face lettering, totally elegant and applicable for a tradition wedding? Check, check, and check!

Currently, I'm setting my mind on creating a photo STD inspired by the lettering on that CD cover. This could seriouly be it, guys. (I say could because of my horrible tendancy to change my mind daily about, oh, pretty much everything). Either way, I'm so happy I saw that CD cover because I really think it could inspire some good ideas.

Now... where's my sketch pad?

Anybody else find wedding inspiration in the strangest place?